An improper consideration of the effects of work on the employees’ health entails heavy financial consequences: increase of social contributions (i.e. the contribution rate for accidents at work / occupational diseases), permanent partial disability pensions (IPP: Incapacité Partielle Permanente), additional costs related to the recognition of an inexcusable fault of the employer.
The control of these costs as well as the management of the consequences of accidents at work and occupational diseases on the employment contract requires a perfect command of the extreme variety of rules applicable to a same situation: procedures of recognition (Local Health Public Insurance Fund – CPAM: Caisse Primaire d’Assurance Maladie), pricing of the Insurance Fund for Retirement and Health at Work (CARSAT: Caisse d’Assurance Retraite et de Santé au Travail), general and technical litigation related to social security, criminal law.