International mobility
Its success implies full control of all aspects relating to international transfers: employment law, social security and compensation, both in France and abroad.

Chassany Watrelot & Associés has developped specific expertise in mobility management and offers customized solutions to meet the international expansion needs of companies.
The expertise of Chassany Watrelot & Associés is founded on a tailor-made service, including ongoing efforts to optimize costs and provide personalized support for international managers, with the constant aim of securing the recommended solutions.
- Developing and supporting the implementation of international mobility policies
- Helping human resources departments and employees with social security and taxation issues :
\ creating compensation packages for impatriate and expatriate employees,
\ determining social security and tax obligations for employees transferring to other countries,
\ making recommendations in terms of social security and administrative monitoring,
\ drawing up international employment contracts (expatriation amendments…)
- Helping with the establishment and management of payroll in other countries
A fast-working and effective “best-friends” network
Chassany Watrelot & Associés has always had a strong international focus.
As part of its international mobility expertise, Chassany Watrelot & Associés’ dedicated team is supported by an extensive network of lawyers around the world to assist its clients with everyday mobility issues.