Pensions & welfare protection
Its renowned expertise allows Chassany Watrelot & Associés to advise companies on their relations with employees and their representatives (social and economic council, unions…), as well as external operators (insurers, brokers, managers…) and bodies responsible for collecting social contributions (URSSAF…).
Chassany Watrelot & Associés’ experience of the business environment, its command of labour law, tax law and the complex universe of insurance and savings products, associated with its total independence vis-à-vis insurance operators, are all assets that enhance the reliability of its advice.

Chassany Watrelot & Associés has created a long-standing team dedicated to corporate pension and welfare protection schemes, having expertise in all the relevant fields for this subject: labour law, insurance law, social security law and tax law.
- Advice and assistance throughout the implementation or amendment of :
\ supplementary retirement schemes: defined contribution retirement schemes (aka. “article 83”), defined benefit retirement schemes (aka. “article 39”)…
\ supplementary welfare schemes (coverage of medical expenses, death-disability-incapacity risks…)
- Preparation of the information-consultation procedure for the staff representative institutions and negotiations with unions
- Drafting of legal deeds formalizing company undertakings: collective agreements, referendum agreements, unilateral decisions
- Accompaniment in case of transfer of business (analysis of the scheme’s future, accompaniment throughout the harmonization negotiations…)
- Social and tax optimization
- Compliance audits and proposal of optimization solutions
- Assistance in the framework of URSSAF assessments (answer to observation letters, referral to out-of-court dispute resolution, assistance before courts)