Social security
- to staff management, whether at the hiring stage, during the employment contract or upon its termination,
- but also to the definition of the company’s HR policy in a context of increasing obligations “sanctioned” by penalties calculated on payroll (senior plans, equal treatment between men and women, hard conditions at work).
The application of social security law is particularly complex as it is, by definition, an evolving legislation (Act on the Financing of Social Security adopted yearly) and the URSSAF (French body ensuring the payment of social contributions) stances are not always harmonized.

Chassany Watrelot & Associés offers its expertise in the upstream application of the social security rules, but also during the periodical operations of company inspections.
The Chassany Watrelot & Associés teams dedicated to social security matters- thanks to their command of labour law – immediately apprehend the impact of changes in social security regulations for companies.
Thus, they optimally support client companies in the implementation of these rules, as well as in the decision making process.
- Advice and assistance with a view to the secure application of :
\ rules of liability to social contributions for the various elements of remuneration or benefits (immediate or differed) granted to the staff, and now also to the company partners,
\ measures for the reimbursement of professional expenses (standard deduction or deduction of costs actually incurred) and professional disbursements,
\ measures of tax relief or exemption from social contributions (including notably “Fillon” measures)
- Audit of payroll practices and social treatment of remuneration benefits
- Accompaniment and assistance at all stages of control operations which the companies can be subject to (URSSAF or other social contribution institutions) :
\ analysis of the observation letter from the inspection institution and drafting of the company response,
\ appropriateness, strategy and management of the out-of-court dispute resolution (CRA: Commission de Recours Amiable, articulation between the payment of the contributions and the penalties for late payment),
\ representation before the Court having jurisdiction in the framework of litigation procedures.